Thursday, April 5, 2007

Forty is more. More what? More of everything. Okay I know that sounds way too simple, but it is true. You have finally achieved the age when you realize you can say no. You have earned the right not to please others all of the time but to finally gain the understanding of what is truly important to you. The freedom of this knowledge is very rewarding and very comforting. You are old enough to know better and you are wise enough to know how to embrace your new found education.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, should we really share what happens when you turn 40? Gravity takes hold of every part of your body and pulls it closer to earth, hairs sprout up in spots you never knew existed, and now it is not so much as to cover the gray but to truly smother the vile color. We all have very unique situations (some are much more unique than others) that occur in our mid life cycle and we can all learn from these situations together. This blog spot is to ease the education process and provide a sense of humor to some of our life's events. I hope we can all share the fun moments together.

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